Psalm 143:8

"Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul."

Psalm 143:8

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Week 4: A Letter to your Siblings

Dear you,

I love you. You are going to grow up to be the most amazing man the world has ever seen. You are young but so wise. The smallest things completely make your day! I miss you. I miss getting Burger King Icee's with you. I love how sad you are to see me leave after I have visited. Your sadness shows me how much you love me. You are so creative and full of ideas. You are a thinker and you question everything. You love arguing and you need reasons. You have all kinds of fears and reservations, but I know that you will soon overcome those as you grow older and engulf the world around you. I pray for you all the time. I pray for your future and for your future wife and for yyour future children. I know that God has huge plans for you and I hope that he blesses you with an incredibly beautiful, understanding, and adventurous woman of God to fill your life with happiness. I hope your children cause you as much trouble as you have caused! They will be great! They will be so full of life, just like you. I love you little brother! Grow big and strong and give me a huge hug when I get home to you! I miss you so much.


Monday, November 8, 2010

Week 3: A Letter to your Parents

Dear you,

I cannot even begin to count how many times you have saved me. I could not have gotten any better parents than the two of you. I love you so much! Dad, you are so strong and protective. Thank you for loving me so much that you chose to protect me from all kinds of evil that comes from dating and relationships. Thank you for not letting me go out with just any boy. I really respect you and your approval. When I find that guy I will be with forever, I hope that you will love him like your own son. You are the only person I would want to give me away. Mommy, I love you! You are my best friend and my confidant. I know you miss me when I am gone and I miss you too. I miss your hugs that make every day better and the long talks on my bed. Sometimes I wish I could go back and experience it all over again. I know I would value those dear moments so much more. I wish I would have listened to you more than I did. I have made some regrettable mistakes and learned some lessons that you warned me against. I am sorry for not listening to your advice and your guidance. I know now that it was for my own good. I miss you both and I love you both more than words can say. I hope life is good and I hope you are more in love with each other than ever. Appreciate the amazing love God has given you to experience together in relationship. Never forget how much love.


Monday, November 1, 2010

Week 2: A Letter to your Crush

Dear you,

I don't know what it is about you, I just can't get over how wonderful you are. I love that you're so sweet and you are willing to stay up just to help me understand for a test the next day. You are so incredibly smart and I love that you're proud that you're a nerd. I like that I find it so easy to talk to you. I know that you don't think that anyone would ever want to go on a date with you, but I would like that. I would really like that. I think you deserve that. You are such a great person, I wish other people could see that. I wish you would allow other people to see that. I see it. I hope we can continue to grow in friendship and just a heads up, I'm planning on asking you to go to formal with me. I really hope you'll say yes.


Sunday, October 24, 2010

Week 1: A letter to your best friend

Dear you,

You have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. You are my best friend, my opposite, my sister. I love you so much for being in my life even when things were tough, even through the boyfriends and the heart breaks. We were always there for each other. We always had each other's backs. I want you to know that I am proud of you. We rarely see each other because we have our own separate lives. College has driven us apart. I still love you and I am still here to support you and love you and tell you that I'm proud of you. Someone needs to. I hope you have those people in your life at school. I hope and pray that God is working in your life. I hope he shows you his love and his miraculous wonders every day of your life. I hope that one day you will find the man you are meant to be with. On that day, I hope to be standing right next to you, supporting you, loving you, telling you how proud I am of you. And I really hope I like him! I love you so much best friend and I thought you should know that.


Thursday, October 7, 2010

God is Love

God is it for me. He is all I need and all I want. It has taken me almost twenty years to realize this fact, but praise the Lord that I have recognized it! I have lived my life looking for love and for the first time, I am perfectly content finding that love from the Lover of my Soul, my Lord, my Jesus. That doesn't mean that this peace I find in God's love comes without work. I have been so accustomed to depending on men to fill me up emotionally. I would search that out. If I didn't have a man I felt empty and completely unworthy. When I did have a man I would build up my life with him. I would listen to his hopes and dreams and mold mine to that. It was almost as if I was asking myself the question, how can I fit into his life better? I would attach myself to him and rely on him for everything. I would put him in the center of my heart; I would put him in God's place. I needed that to feel good about myself. When I would lose him my world would shatter, but I would do anything not to lose him. Anything. That lead to a lot of heartache and unnecessary pain. The pain led me to a search for another man to fill me up. This is a cycle that continued until about four months ago. I experienced a break up unlike any I had experienced before. I was the one initiating it. I was the one taking control. I was getting myself out of a painful situation. It was liberating and completely devastating at the same time. My entire life, everything I had built for years and years, had been lost, it had been thrown to the ground in seconds. I had finally understood what it meant to be free, to be forgiven from sin. I was starting life over. It hurt for awhile. I cried everyday for about a week and I couldn't bear to be by myself for about a month after the break up. Prayer after prayer, day after day, God continued to comfort me more and more with his amazing and unending love. Eventually I stopped crying and began rejoicing. Eventually I wanted to be alone with my God, I didn't need distractions anymore. I didn't want distractions. I moved back to school and as my training to be an RA began we had a night called face to face with God. We were all put in an empty room with only a bed, a Bible, a journal, and a pen for twelve hours. God and I had some deep discussions that night. I confessed my years of sinning and I cried out to my God to save me. I asked Him to heal me, to comfort me. He came through. Trust. Surrender. Love unselfishly. That was the task God was putting in front of me. I surrendered my entire life to Him that night. I rededicated myself to Him. I had never felt so nearer to God than I did that night. The next day we left for the RA retreat. This is when I shared my story, my struggles, and my journey with an amazing woman of God that had been dealing with the same struggles. It was amazing how God used her in my life. It gave me so much encouragement to know that someone else was dealing with this too. I was not the only one. I was surrounded by all these people that were struggling but they were all still so in love with God. It was so encouraging and so powerful. So now, I'm back to the daily grind. I know my task is still the same. Surrender. Trust. Love unselfishly. The question is, how do I do that? What does that look like?